CAMFIL Solutions, Inc.
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CAMFIL is an organization that provides systems and technology services, integration and consolidation. In our work with clients, we made it a process to use the full potential of new and existing technology. We do this by enhancing, and integrating existing infrastructure with new technology.


Clients choose CAMFIL when they want to work in partnership with their consultant, want strategic integration experience, want best-practice advice and solutions tailored to their business and environment, needs additional resource for your technology strategic plan, utilize technology to improve business efficiency, or need local perspective or resources.

Interested in reducing cost? We can help

Let’s share ideas on your next project.

Meet with us about your business and technology objectives. We will walk you through our methods to help you reach your goals.

18 E. Dundee Rd
Barrington, IL 60010

Contact: 773.301.8247 or Email