CAMFIL Solutions, Inc.
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Cloud Consulting

Is cloud computing a one-size-fits-all solution?
Should you add Cloud to your IT repertoire?
How do you know if cloud computing is a perfect match for your organization?
What is the business case for going to the Cloud?
Do you have to retool your IT staff to move forward with virtualization?

We realize the need to maximize the efficiency of both infrastructures cost and performance, maintaining emerging standard, consolidating your infrastructure, and virtualized your pool of local and distant resources. Our systems integration, technology consolidation and virtualization experience allow us to tailor a cloud computing model specifically for your organization. We start this with a comprehensive processes to qualify your cloud computing model requirement with specific combination of hardware, application, and the following:

• Sensitivity of private data
• Hardware Dependencies and server control
• Integration of existing application
• Latency concern and throughput demand
• Privacy concerns
• Geopolitical concern
• Security benefit, design and testing
• Instant swap-over on outsource solution
• High performance computing cluster
• Industry compliance

Contact: 773.301.8247 or Email