CAMFIL Solutions, Inc.
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Systems Infrastructurer Services

Advances in server technology, networking communication, and storage silo offer organizations almost unlimited opportunities to centralize and integrate its data and content. In addition, the costs of client computing devices, enormous processing power of hosting servers, agile application, virtualization technology, and open standard have driven the modernization of how business information is centralize, integrated, and manage.

Part of our system infrastructure services is to assist your organization in reducing your capital investment and cost while maintaining and increasing business efficiency, improving service level quality of your overall system operation.

CAMFIL is motivated by what we can do to contribute to better your infrastructure solution by delivering end-to-end technology solution such as the following:

• Site and facilities services
• Virtualization solution
• Storage silo
• Integrated Communication
• Network, email and web security
• Disaster recovery and backup
• System and technology integration and consolidation services
• Manage services and temporary staffing
• High availability solution
• Unified Messaging

Contact: 773.301.8247 or Email